Questions from Grandma

By the way, you should check here for some cool pictures I posted the other day.

My Grandma asked these questions. I thought everyone might like to see the answers.

* How is Tosca?

Good. She's very playful.

* Is Tosca a boy dog or a girl dog?


* Do you play and walk with her every day?

We play with her every day. And, we take her on walks every other day.

* Are there any children in your neighborhood or will you have to meet children at school?

I don't know. I have not seen any yet.

* Have you started school yet?

No. We start on Wednesday the 21st.

* Do you have to wear a uniform at your school?

Yes, with a tie (in winter). And, you have to wear black tie shoes. And, you also have to wear two uniforms: one for PT (gym) and one for during school.

* What color?

White and navy blue.

* What did you eat at your first braai?

Bread, meat, grape juice, and pie.
