Solo Concert

Our guide, Alvin, told us that there used to be concerts down in this section of the cave, called the ampitheater.  This stopped about 15 years ago, becasue on intermissions, people would go off and break off pieces of the cave, hide them, and take them home (We wonderd, What did they do with the pieces once they got home with them?). Nevertheless, it is an excellent location for concerts because of the acoustics.  

He invited us to sing, to test the acoustics.  No one stepped forward.  I decided to put my St. Paul-trained voice to the test.  I wish Chris Greene, the director, were there to see and hear (and sing!) with me.  I chose to sing "God Bless America", as it was July 4th.  I sang through two lines of it before I forgot the words for the rest (What DOES come after ..with the lights from above)? I received applause (out of kindness, I suppose).