Monday, January 24, 2005

Day 22 Goodbye South Africa

24 January 2005

I am sitting in the Johannesburg International Airport to submit the last entry of the South Africa Interim 2005 during our trip. Our plane is boarding shortly so I must be brief but we hope to see all our friends and family tomorrow at around 11:40 EST.

This morning was relaxed. We packed, enjoyed some time in the warm sunshine of South Africa (and the pool at the bed and breakfast) and most of all enjoyed eachothers company.

Our feelings are mixed. Most of us eager to see folks back home and have some days off before seconds semester. However, all of us have loved the experience over the past three weeks and will be sad to leave a country we have come to love. I speak for all the students on the trip in thanking Tracy and Matt for their incredible leadership and allowing us to share the experience!

Thank you for everyone who has supported us during the past weeks through pray, thoughts, and following our time on this blog.

Cape Town, Jo-burg, Kgautswane, Kruger and South Africa: Goodbye.

~Scott Admiraal

Posted by Scott Admiraal on 01/24 at 12:44 PM
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