Wind, Clouds, Rain, Hail, and a Double Rainbow

A Western Cape winter storm is upon us. Overnight, our flat was battered by wind and rain. Throughout the day, the surrounding mountains were socked in by clouds that released downpours and hail. I was soaked through while walking to Domino’s for dinner’s pizza, but a nice double rainbow appeared at sunset. It would not be surprising to see white snowcaps on the mountains in the morning.

Catherine and Danielle saw BFG this afternoon. Mark went to the library to score more books and take advantage of free WiFi. Tracy interviewed Moss Ntlha at CTN this evening. And after four years of analyses, drafts, and at least three rewrites, I finally submitted a paper to Energy Policy entitled “From theory to econometrics to energy policy: Cautionary tales for policymaking using aggregate production functions. The five co-authors hail from the University of Lisbon, the University of Leeds, and Calvin College. Now we wait for the reviews.
