
A country-level primary-final-useful (CL-PFU) energy and exergy database: overview of its construction and 1971—2020 world-level efficiency results


My colleague Paul Brockway is the lead author on a new article that took six years to write: A country-level primary-final-useful (CL-PFU) energy and exergy database: overview of its construction and 1971—2020 world-level efficiency results published in Environmental Research Energy.

We describe a new database of primary, final, and useful energy for nearly every country in the world from 1960 to 2020. Paul, Zeke, Emmanuel, and I poured our hearts into this paper for many years, and it is great to see it available! We hope that this article will be resource for the energy community for years to come. I’m particularly proud of the fact that the paper has several student co-authors from the University of Leeds and Calvin University.

The paper is published as open access and is available to anyone by clicking the link above.